Tim Draper recommends Bitcoin for capital preservation

American venture capitalist Tim Draper has published a series of recommendations that, in his opinion, can help manage financial resources for both traditional and crypto companies looking to streamline their business processes.

He believes that the decline of banks and global economic processes are seriously harming businesses, and the unclear policies of the American government (money printing coupled with interest rate hikes) only worsen the situation.

Here are seven recommendations from the investor that he believes can help companies fulfill their obligations to clients and employees in critical situations:

  1. Strive for simplicity: Entrepreneurs often get caught up in details (creating a flashy website, setting up an office, etc.) and forget that their goal is to build a profitable business with optimized processes. Getting rid of unnecessary complexities will make management easier and free up resources for truly important tasks.
  2. Asset diversification: All companies rely on the banking system for access to capital. Tim believes that everyone should hold certain reserves in cash and actively incorporate cryptocurrencies, especially Bitcoin, into their business models. It’s worth noting that stablecoins also hold reserves in banks and may face difficulties in converting them to cash, as was the case with USDC. Therefore, it’s not advisable to invest all funds in a single asset.
  3. Profitability: Previously, companies didn’t have to worry much about maximizing profitability, as low inflation and interest rates allowed them to overlook this aspect. However, now cash flow will have a greater impact on the viability of your enterprise. It’s not just about generating income but also about cost management efficiency. Companies should strive to eliminate debts that can become burdensome and eliminate unnecessary expenditure items.

Is it worth listening to the opinions of venture capitalists?


During the establishment or management of a small business, many entrepreneurs turn to their ‘senior’ colleagues not only for money but also for advice. Venture capitalists have significant experience and knowledge to help make important decisions regarding the future of a company or organize partnerships with new collaborators. However, it’s essential to remember the potential negative consequences of such recommendations:

  1. The primary concern is the conflict of interest. Investors are driven by the goal of maximizing their investment returns, which may not always align with the objectives of other entrepreneurs.
  2. Limited perspectives and universal advice can pose challenges. Investors have developed their own success formulas that may require adaptation to suit different business models.

Overall, Tim Draper’s universal recommendations aim to mitigate risks across all business sectors and promote decentralized corporate governance. Additionally, ordinary individuals can also apply these principles to make informed choices regarding savings preservation, investments, or future projects.

While venture capitalists can provide valuable insights, entrepreneurs should carefully evaluate the advice within the context of their specific business and consider potential trade-offs. Balancing external expertise with an understanding of one’s unique circumstances is crucial for making well-informed decisions.

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